How CCA works
The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) was founded in 1919 as an association of construction practitioners representing Canada’s institutional, commercial and industrial (ICI) construction industry.
Board of Directors
The affairs of the association are governed by a Board of Directors elected annually, which according to CCA’s by-laws shall consist of a maximum of 20 directors and reflect the diversity of the industry.
Requirements include:
- two directors from the civil sector;
- two directors from the general contractor sector;
- two directors from the trade contractor sector;
- two directors from the manufacturers, suppliers and services sector; and
- up to three directors that are not members (two independent directors), two of whom will be the senior most staff person of a local construction association.
- two directors in Western Canada;
- one director in Quebec;
- one director in Ontario;
- one director in Central Canada; and
- two directors in Eastern Canada.

Officers must be directors. Independent directors may not be officers. These include Chair of the Board, First Vice-Chair of the Board and Second Vice-Chair of the Board. The officers must be first elected to the board by the members. The officers will then be elected by the board, from among the board.
Finance & Audit Committee
This standing committee is chaired by the First Vice-Chair and is responsible for ensuring that CCA’s financial policies and practices support the association’s mission.
Governance & Nominating Committee
This standing committee is chaired by the Chair and is tasked with ensuring best practices in governance. A sub-committee is accountable for the annual nominations process and selection of the board nomination slate.
National Advisory Councils
To facilitate the objects of the association and improve engagement, CCA has created five National Advisory Councils to provide feedback to the board on issues of national importance. The councils are:
- Civil Infrastructure Council
- General Contractors Council
- Local Construction Associations Council
- Manufacturers, Suppliers and Services Council
- Trade Contractors Council
The board shall appoint the Council Chair from among the elected board members and members of the council. Each council will have a maximum of 15 members, including the Chair.
Management of association operations rests with the President who reports directly to the association’s Board of Directors.
CCA employs staff in Ottawa to implement the strategic plan and support the governance of the association and its operations. CCA staff also act as staff liaisons for board, committees and councils.