Canadian Apprenticeship Service finds success in equity-deserving apprentice hires
Apply now – program ends March 31, 2024!
Are you looking to hire a Red Seal apprentice? Don’t miss your last chance for financial support from the Canadian Apprenticeship Service.
In September 2022, CCA, together with partners at the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum, Aboriginal Apprenticeship Board, ApprenticeSearch.com, BuildForce Canada and SkillPlan, launched their promotion of the federal government’s Canadian Apprenticeship Service.
This program provides up to $20,000 per fiscal year in financial incentives to small and medium-sized employers (less than 500 paid employees) for the hiring and training of first-year apprentices in 39 Red Seal trades.
The government-funded program was rolled out through multiple organizations across Canada to reach as many employers as possible.
Within the CCA partnership alone, over $11 million dollars in grants were distributed by February 2024, and an astounding 49 per cent of those grants went to the hiring of self-identified equity-deserving apprentices. Just as promising were the number of employers that completed additional (and non-mandated) employee support training – at just over one-third of employers – suggesting that retaining the employees is just as much a priority for many firms as attracting apprentices.
There is still time to apply for funding. Employers who complete the application by March 31, 2024 will be eligible for funding.
Don’t lose out on your opportunity to receive $20,000 for hiring the people you need! Start the process today!