Enrich your knowledge of construction management project delivery
December 20, 2022
Set yourself up for success by attending the winter session of CCDC Document Webinars. Learn the ins and outs of the industry’s standard in construction management (CM) contracts direct from the Canadian Construction Documents Committee’s (CCDC) authors. If you’ve ever been curious about the CM method, now is the time to learn.
January: An overview of CM methods and the use of CCDC 5A and 17
The document authors will first provide an overview of the important differences between owners contracting directly with trade contractors (as seen in the CCDC 5A and 17) and the trades contracting with the construction manager (by using CCDC 5B). After this introduction, this first webinar will review in detail how and when to use CCDC 5A and 17.
- English – CCDC 5A and 17 webinar: Thursday, January 19 13:00 – 14:30 (ET)
- French – CCDC 5A and 17 webinar: Thursday, January 26 13:00 – 14:30 (ET)
February: A deep-dive into CCDC 5B
Get to know CCDC 5B, under which construction managers contract directly with trade contractors. The document authors will discuss when and how to execute the various options offered within this contract document.
- English – CCDC 5B webinar: Thursday, February 9 13:00 – 14:30 (ET)
- French – CCDC 5B webinar: Thursday, February 23 13:00 – 14:30 (ET)
Make sure to attend both webinars for a full construction management education.
Please contact Julia DeVries at [email protected] with any questions related to CCDC Document Webinars.