Exploring Construction 4.0 in CCA’s latest Insight report
The third edition of CCA’s Insight report: Innovation and R&D in construction looks at how Construction 4.0 is poised to revolutionize the industry. Emerging technologies, such as big data, virtual reality, smart materials and BIM, are driving forces behind the move towards greater digitization and connectivity in construction. These new technologies and processes are automating and integrating the construction process at all stages in the value chain.
CCA’s Insight report explores the research being done in universities on big data, AI and smart management; sustainability and smart/green building; and AR, VR and digital twins. It also includes industry statistics and updates on related initiatives from partner association and members.
With videos highlighting informative sessions held during CCA’s 2022 Annual Conference and examples of projects found on our Construction R&D Portal, CCA’s Insight report connects members to resources that can help foster innovation at their own businesses.
A special insert by KPMG is included in the report on the power of big data and digital twin technologies. These advances present significant opportunities for contractors and the design team, improving operational efficiencies and allowing for more informed decision-making throughout the lifecycle of the asset.
If you have any comments or questions about the report, or would like to share some of your own initiatives, please contact Kenny Leon, Vice President of Marketing Innovation and Industry Collaboration, at [email protected] or (613) 236-9455, ext. 106.