Gold Seal says hello to new digital badges and updated logo
From new digital badges and a fresh logo and seal, the Gold Seal Certification program is helping professionals to get recognized for their accomplishments and ongoing commitment to continuing education and development.
New! Digital badges
Gold Seal Certified (GSC) and Professional, Gold Seal Certified (GSC) professionals can now maintain a detailed and secure electronic record of their achievements and professional records through digital badges.
Digital badges, by BadgeCert, are portable digital icons that verify Gold Seal Certification. They can be easily accessed and shared with others including employers, peers, on digital resumes, email signatures, or on social networking sites.
As of March 2022, the Gold Seal Certification program has provided digital badges and e-certificates to all existing GSCs and P.GSCs as well as newly certified professionals.
Gold Seal logo and official seals get a fresh look
We are also proud to announce the launch of a new logo and official seals for Gold Seal certification. The logo is now aligned with CCA’s branding and will appear in Gold Seal documentation, websites, articles and webinar registrations.

The gold-coloured seals are offered to certified professionals on official GSC and P.GSC certificates as well as through earned digital badges.

If you use the Gold Seal logo in any of your marketing materials, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to provide you with updated material.